After suffering a close defeat by the Ultrmarines, Duke Sliscus had merciously tortured Haud Dico for his failure. The Archon now not only wanted revenge on the Ultramarines, but also sought a way to acquire additional strength to strike back at his master. One of his most loyal spies had managed to find a lead to a fragment of the lost relic that had once served as a weapon of unimaginable power. As far as the Duke was concerned, Haud Dico would simply be going on a raiding mission to take out his frustrations on the planet's populace. In actuality, Haud Dico had much bigger plans in mind...
The battle for Angamar had spread the Ultramarine forces across the surface of the planet in search and destroy missions against the xenos. Calgar had withdrawn to the Battle Barge Octavious in order to direct the full campaign. Captain Tragan had been given elements of the Second Company along with a contingent of Calgar's personal Honor Guard to pursue the Dark Eldar. Reports indicated that the normally mobile Dark Eldar had momentarily paused near the site of one of the many ruins that dotted the planet's landscape. For the Dark Eldar to remain in one place too long meant they were searching for somthing either very valuable or very, very dangerous...
2000 Grey Knights/SM vs 2150 Dark Eldar
Bob vs Ned (Written by Ned)